Will my own GP be informed if I’ve had contact with the out-of-hours GP practice?
Yes, your GP will be informed of the content of your contact with the out-of-hours GP practice the next working day. Unless an incorrect GP is listed.
Yes, your GP will be informed of the content of your contact with the out-of-hours GP practice the next working day. Unless an incorrect GP is listed.
Yes, that’s possible. You have the right to access and receive a copy of your medical file within the statutory retention obligation period. We’ll usually refer you to your own GP, who’ll receive a full report of every contact you’ve had with the out-of-hours GP practice.
As a patient, you will need to give your own GP practice permission to share your medical data with the emergency department. You are certainly advised to do so. Emergency departments and pharmacies will not be able to consult your medical data if you don’t give your permission. Not even in emergency situations!
From 2013, your GP and pharmacy will only be able to share your medical data with other healthcare providers if you give them express permission in advance. Other healthcare providers will only be able to request your data if this is necessary for the purpose of your treatment. You can give permission via the www.ikgeeftoestemming.nl […]